How Can You Prepare Your HVAC System For Back To School?

Sep 16, 2022 | Air Filter, Air Purifier, Back-to-school, Blog, Fall, Fall Preparation, HVAC, Monroe, OH, Thermostat, Viruses, White Oak

Temperatures are dropping, and the leaves are beginning to change colors, which means school is back! As someone who is going to school full time and has three little ones in school, I know how hectic this time can be. But these aren’t the only changes taking place. As we move from season to season, your HVAC system must adjust to maintain a cozy and comfortable environment within your home. So, let’s get right to it and review a few things White Oak Heating & Cooling wants you to consider to provide optimal functioning for your system this fall, allowing you to focus on the school year.  

What If My HVAC Blower Stops Working?  

The blower’s function, as seen in its name, is to blow hot air into your home through your ductwork. And, though the blower consists of both a motor and fan, the motor is where we typically see problems arise. If your blower stops operating, don’t wait to call us here at White Oak Heating & Cooling. With a nonfunctioning blower, your home will lose the ability to warm up, and you risk your system overheating. These inconveniences can cause you needless frustration and discomfort during the frigid temperatures. Furthermore, while some problems with your furnace blower can be simple, something more complicated may be at play. So, it is imperative that an HVAC specialist must deal with any complex issues your blower motor may have.  

What Are The Adverse Effects Of Dirty Ductwork?  

As days turn into months and months into years, your air ducts can gradually build up dirt, dust, and other debris if not maintained. Accumulated pollutants in your ductwork can adversely affect your home’s indoor air quality and diminish its comfort level. While air filters help trap particles from reaching your ductwork, they aren’t 100% successful, which is why contaminants can make their way into your ducts where they settle. This build-up isn’t instantaneous, and it is typical to have your ductwork spruced up every 3 to 5 years. If you don’t address this dust and debris, however, you will likely experience poor airflow and allergy-related health issues such as skin irritations and respiratory troubles.  

Should I Repair Or Replace My System?  

Frankly, autumn is the prime time to install an upgraded system because our installation specialists tend to have more availability on their schedules than typically seen in summer. Now, if you are 100% sure whether it is more reasonable to repair your current system or replace it with a new one, we use what we like to call the “$5,000 Rule”. As such, we take the age of your existing HVAC equipment and multiply it by the estimated repair costs; if this number is higher than $5,000, then you should replace your current system. Furthermore, we insist you upgrade your system every ten years for ideal efficiency and to avoid forfeiting your system’s warranty.  

If you need advice, system cleaning or repairs, system installation, or any other HVAC-related services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We want you to be equipped for the rapidly approaching chilly temperatures. It is not unusual for HVAC companies to receive emergency calls in the winter because proper heating is an absolute must this time of year! So, call White Oak Heating & Cooling today at (513) 342-8434, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!