How Should Homeowners Prepare Their HVAC System for Spring?

Apr 13, 2022 | Blog, Air Filter, HVAC, OH, Ohio, SMA, Spring, Spring Maintenance Check, Thermostat, White Oak

Now is the time of year when many homeowners are getting started on their spring cleaning and organization projects. You could have a long checklist of things you want to get done this season, no matter the situation. Nevertheless, make sure preparing your HVAC system for spring is on there. White Oak Heating & Cooling wants to assist you in ensuring that your residential HVAC system is fully operational for the summer months ahead. Below are a few things to check to get your HVAC system ready for spring:

Have You Checked the Thermostat?

To begin, let’s start with the thermostat. Your HVAC system will not be able to function if your thermostat is not working correctly. As a result, you should test your thermostat on different settings to see how it behaves when switched between cooling and heating modes. It’s also good to change out the thermostat’s old batteries for new ones. Nothing is more frustrating than being away for a long time only to return home to an overly heated and stuffy house. You can avoid this headache by replacing your old batteries with a fully charged set to start the season out on the right foot.

When Was the Last Time You Replaced the Air Filter?

If you can’t remember the last time you replaced your air filter, then here is your friendly reminder! Remember that your HVAC air filter is an essential element of your home’s HVAC system. An air filter’s duty is to capture and restrain dust particles and other pollutants. Especially since pollen and other allergens are at an all-time high this time of year, our professionals at White Oak Heating & Cooling recommend that you check and change your air filters on a regular basis to ensure they aren’t clogged. Moreover, if you don’t replace your air filters as needed, your HVAC system may be prone to short cycling, causing it to overwork or, worse, a complete breakdown. Because of this, as a general rule of thumb, it’s best to change the air filters every 30-60 days. 

Have You Cleaned Out The Drainage Hole?

A drainage hole is often found at the system’s base. This is there to prevent condensation from accumulating on the equipment. Unfortunately, it’s not unusual for this drain hole to get clogged with dust particles and pet hair during the winter when the air conditioner isn’t in use. Unwanted blockages in this hole must be dealt with immediately. If water cannot properly drain, eventually, it will lead to water damage and leaks in your home, which no homeowner wants to deal with that preventable headache.

Have You Examined the Ductwork?

If you have any exposed ductwork in your house, make sure there are no gaps or holes in any sections of the ductwork. If air leaks exist, your HVAC system will not be able to evenly distribute the conditioned air throughout your home. If you discover any holes or cracks in your ductwork after inspecting it, patch them up as soon as possible with metal tape or mastic sealant. If holes and gaps keep appearing or if there are too many of them, then you may want to consider having your ductwork replaced. 

Have You Cleared the Outside Unit?

Because the condenser is outside, it’s often overlooked. To ensure your HVAC system is in tip-top shape, you should look around the area surrounding the outdoor unit to ensure there aren’t any sticks, leaves, or overgrown weeds growing nearby. If present, debris could be blown into the condenser fan blades, which could cause damage to your unit. While you’re at it, you should also make sure no stray objects or barriers are in this region as well. When it comes to a general guideline, homeowners are advised to check this area on a regular basis throughout the spring and summer when their air conditioner is turned on.  

Have You Already Scheduled A Spring Maintenance Check?

If so, congratulations! You are ahead of the game, and your HVAC system is ready to take on the warmer temperatures. However, if not, we hope you will understand the benefits of maintaining your HVAC system’s seasonal tune-ups and safety checks and how important they are. If it is not regularly serviced and maintained, you may not notice anything wrong with the equipment, but that does not mean any underlying potential issues lurking around. By scheduling a maintenance check with one of our professionals, we can help you avoid any major repair bills in the future by catching and fixing any minor issues before they have the chance to turn into big ones. Furthermore, keeping up with maintenance checks keeps your manufacturer’s warranty intact.

Preparing your HVAC system for spring doesn’t have to be a difficult task for a homeowner. By taking the time to do some routine maintenance and checks, you can avoid any unnecessary headaches or breakdowns in the future. Spring is the perfect time to ensure that everything is working as it should be before the hotter months arrive. Our knowledgeable and friendly technicians at White Oak Heating & Cooling want the best for you, your home, and your family, so call us today at (513) 342-8434, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!